Content Marketing for Your Small Business


A large part of engaging social media posts has great content. Just having a profile on multiple Social Media sites isn’t enough to keep followers engaged or attract new customers. To get and hold people’s attention, you need to post new, trending and engaging content consistently.

You’ve probably heard that your social media content should NOT be all promotional for your product or service. Mix it up! Have a variety of different content about a wide range of subjects.

So, what do you talk about across your Social Media Channels, if you aren’t supposed to sell, sell, sell? Try these topics, put your twist on them.

1. Company: Give insight to your business. If people are coming to your pages to learn about who you are and what you do, then some background information is a great place to start. Give your audience a better sense of what’s going on with your business and why they should be your followers.

Behind the Scenes Photos
Staff Showcase
Product Photos and Videos
Business awards and accomplishments
Business News – what’s new?
Product tutorials
Music Playlist – do you play music in your office? Showcase what you are listening to so your followers can appreciate your taste in music.
Company #tbt – Throw Back Thursdays are always fun! Share a photo from when your business was just getting started. Let your followers see how far you’ve come.
2. Audience Engagers: Social Media allows you to interact with a broad audience of customers and potential customers directly. Ask your followers to be engaged, start up a two-way conversation and let your customers know you are listening.

Fill in the blanks: My favorite product is___________ or If I had a Million dollars I would ___________ (Be creative)
Ask Questions
Hold Contests
Either or Debate: Everyone loves to share their opinion. Get people to weigh in using an either-or debate. Ask them a question about your company (think this product over that product) or about something that’s trending.
Audience Photos: Did your followers/customers attend a meeting/event, ask to see these types of pictures.
3. Business | Industry: Many people like to follow the 80-20 posting ratio. You should post about other stuff 80% of the time and only 20% about you. Show what you know and how your followers can learn from you.

Industry News: Post a link to a news article that is related to what you do. Set up Google Alerts using relevant keywords.
Infographic: What do people share the most? Images, yes. Images are an effective social media content ideas -, especially regarding shares. Share some helpful information about your business, field, or industry by posting or creating your infographics.
Books: Read any good books lately? Will these help your customers/followers? Share, they’ll probably love your reading list too.
Share your LinkedIn Groups: Many groups on LinkedIn are a great source of industry/business related info. If you find interesting information share the link with your social media followers so they can join too.
Weekly Roundup: Create a top 5 or top 10 list of business news, announcements and anything else you find to be awesome! Share this on a regular schedule will have your followers checking your pages’ week after week to get it. Think This week in…
Promote your Partner: Do you have other businesses or professionals that help you get business done? Someone that provides you parts or promotes your services? Plug them into your Social Media strategy by linking their websites or social channels. Ask others to promote your business too.
4. Repurposed Content: Already have content? Repurposing and promoting existing content is an excellent way to fill your news feeds and deliver your message to newer audiences.

Blog Posts: Do you have a blog?
Re-share an old post: Find a previous social media post that performed well, and re-share it. Chances are your new audience hasn’t seen it.
Share Promotional Videos: If you’ve created and uploaded promotional videos on YouTube, share those on your social media channels.
5. Entertainment: Sometimes you just need to have a little fun to get your followers engaged.

Memes: Everyone loves a good Meme (you know the funny images with text).
Inspirational Quotes: We all can use a little more positivity in our lives. Humorous, inspiring or motivational quotes always perform well.
Funny YouTube Videos: Find a video that makes you laugh, then share it with your followers, so that they can laugh too!
Posts that show you’re human: Putting a personal face on a company helps people relate. Share occasional posts from your own, non-work life: cute photos from vacations, meals you ate, etc.
Holiday Celebrations: Every day is a holiday! Help your followers enjoy each day!
Support a Cause: Share what you is important to you, not only for business but in life too.
Share a joke: Laughter is the best medicine, right? Share a laugh or an ecard with your fans.