What to do when you get injured on the job at your workplace


Injuries can happen to anyone and anywhere, whether you are on public transportation or working at a construction site. The physical and mental injuries from these injuries can be detrimental to quality of life. Injuries often happen at the fault of another negligence. In NSW there are strict protocols in place to deal with these injuries ranging from workers compensation injuries to motor vehicle accidents.

If you are in the state of NSW, and if you have been injured at work, please notify your employer as soon as you can. Your employer must then notify their insurer within 48 hours. If it was a serious injury, then your employer must also notify SafeWork NSW immediately.

What does a business need to provide to their insurer? The points below are good to know because when an injury does occur this is the information the insurer needs to start a claim.

  • Worker’s name and contact detail
  • Employers business name and contact details
  • Doctors name and contact details
  • Time and date of the injury and description
  • Notifier’s name and relationship to the worker or employer and their contact details

You must then go see your doctor to get a certificate of capacity for your employer to send to the insurer. All employers in NSW (except the exempted) must have a worker’s compensation policy in place.

After the insurer has been notified, you and your employer will be contacted to determine how best to support your recovery.

Alternatively, you can approach injury compensation lawyers for injury compensation claims expertise. These injury claim lawyers are specialists at helping turn their clients’ lives around and a lot of them have many years of experience with lawsuits regarding workers compensation.

Some of these lawyers and firms offer no win no fee options so it is worthwhile to get the right lawyer for yourself as the process can be lengthy.