Know the factors that affect your motorbike insurance premium


Whether you are an ardent traveler who loves to go riding for pleasure and for adventure, or a dotting professional zipping past the city traffic on your two-wheeler – one important aspect that you cannot do away with is your motorbike insurance. One would assume that it is not required for a careful driver. This notion is an illusion, for there is no guarantee that if there has been no mishap with your vehicle in the past, there would be none in the future too.

Insurance policies have a love-hate relationship. We love our vehicles, and hate the fact that it could be damaged for which we need a policy. But when something does go wrong, it is this insurance policy that comes to our aid and covers our unexpected expenses.

Having established that you do need motorbike insurance, when you go looking for an insurance provider, you would realize there are hoard of providers with range of policies. What you need to do is request a motorbike insurance quote from each of these providers, clearly stating your requirements.

Consider you and your friend are looking for insurance policies for your respective motorbikes. You would realize that for the same policy there is a difference in premiums for you and your friend. Why? The factors that determine the premium are variable, and hence the difference. These factors are:

  • Your motorbike’s current market value
  • Your claim history – no claim history attracts lower premium
  • Your age – younger the age, higher the premium
  • Modifications to your bike that enhance its security
  • Your riding kilometers in a certain period of time
  • Your level of insurance cover – a cover for more risks will attract higher premium
  • Your excess option – paying higher excess for a lower premium

Whatever the premium be, it is worth getting your motorbike insured for a safer tomorrow.