Successful Entrepreneurs


The 5 traits of Successful Entrepreneurs which I have chosen are listed below. After running many online businesses and working with people worldwide, I see people wanting to become successful everyday. Yet in the online industry as far as I know over 95% of people fail and this figure can sometimes be higher!

It doesn’t matter what your definition of success is, there are, oddly enough, a great number of common characteristics that are shared by successful businesspeople. You can make a mental note of each characteristic that you feel that you may possess. By doing so, you can see how you stack up and if you’re cut out for the world of business. Even if you don’t have all of the characteristics, don’t fret because most can be learned with practice and by developing a winning attitude. Especially if you set goals and apply yourself, through strategic planning, to reach those goals in incremental and measurable stages.

So I want to discuss or discover if successful entrepreneurs have some special traits or characteristics? Why do they find it easier or more simple to set up a profitable business compared to the average individual?

Successful Entrepreneurs Traits:
1. Vision for what they can build. Imagining a happy future. Dreaming.

If you don’t know where you are heading, what you want and why you want it, then it probably won’t happen. Most people think that they just want more money and then they’ll be able to do whatever they like. However, if you narrow down EXACTLY what you want, how much it’ll cost to live this new life style. Then not only will you know what you want in life but also it will become a lot easier. Eg: rather than saying I would like 1 million you break it down into days -365 in a year thats, around 2,740 a day you need to make. Sounds a lot more practical and easier to achieve if you put your goals like this.

2: Making mistakes. You have to deal with failure. Keep pitching.

A successful entrepreneur never gives up. They will be faced with rejection, mockery€¦ what have you but if they know where they are heading they are unstoppable. To become successful you have to be able to handle failure and this will test how badly you want something. Therefore it is very important to know what you want and why this would make you feel content, otherwise you will probably give up.

3. Belief, it doesn’t matter who says what you know where you are heading.

Successful entrepreneur will not waste their time and energy over negativity and let anyone bring them down. Don’t get me wrong, everyone has emotions and we are human but successful entrepreneurs will have belief in themselves and know that no matter what, they have it in them to make a go of making it work! I have read some stories where successful entrepreneurs only made it when they had reached their all time low. Perhaps that was because we need security and when you have the feeling of failure, thinking you have nothing more to lose, you will take those required steps which you otherwise would not have.

4. A Risk Taker. How many times have you heard a successful entrepreneur had put everything on stake for their belief? Ordinary people would say that is crazy and the sort like, €didn’t he care about his family?’ €What if she lost her home?’ However drastic their actions, successful entrepreneurs take huge, risky steps. They know it’s insane but they won’t give up and take a chance at anything they think might work for them.

5. Profits. Now don’t get me wrong, I know that successful entrepreneurs are more often than not known as being very ruthless when it comes to business. But at the end of the day they are there to run a business €” not a charity! Yet, most of the funds that are given to charity comes from successful entrepreneurs not the average person.