Buying a Franchise – Advantages of Creating Online Wealth Instead


Ok, so you’re thinking of buying a franchise. You want to be your own boss and I’m guessing you are just totally over working for someone else and making them rich. There are many disadvantages of buying a franchise. Here are just a few to give you some food for thought.

The Disadvantages
Although you will be buying someone else’s brand which is already pre-built and will take some of the pressure off you as far as branding your business goes, you won’t have any say in how this branding is developed.

You always have to abide by the franchisors rules and will not be able to promote your business the way you want to. Plus you will also be required to pay an upfront fee for the actual business itself and then you will have to pay royalties to the franchisor for having the privilege of using their name which of course if already established in the market place. Now, this can be a good thing and take a lot of pressure off you as the owner of one of their franchises.

There are also other overheads you must take into consideration. First of all you will have to pay rent just like you would in any type of brick and mortar business, plus these other overheads, stock, staff wages, insurances, advertising campaigns and the list goes on. You will also have to commit yourself to the required company training so you can implement the company’s exact strategies. After doing all of the above you can then expect not to start making any money for at least the first 3 months and to tell you the truth, it sounds like you will still be working for a boss.

Is a Franchise really what you want?
Taking into consideration all of the above and of course this is only a brief breakdown, is this really the answer for creating a better life style for you and your family? Will you really be your own boss? How long will it actually take to see a return on such a large investment? You should ask yourself all of the above questions before you make a decision to commit yourself to such astronomical debt you could be getting yourself into.

There is an Alternative to a Franchise
Picture this! You jump out of bed in the morning and instead of rushing around getting ready to go to your new franchise, you just relax. Spend your morning with your family, having breakfast with your children and you do this all within your own time frame. When you’re ready, you sit down at your computer and begin your days work. Sounds good right? You can create your own wealth online that will see you through any financial crisis the world faces. All that money you were going to put into a franchise can now be managed by you while you are building a residual income online to be enjoyed for years to come. For a much smaller price than you were going to pay for that franchise, you can actually now invest in your future and manage your own finances yourself. This is becoming the trend due to the world economic climate in Australia and globally. People are looking for a way to build wealth and security for their families and their retirement through network marketing.

How it works
With the combination of our cutting edge product line and the very lucrative GPT (get paid today) business model, everyday people are able to create freedom in areas of finance, health and wellness, as well as their own personal growth in life.
Now more than ever, this strategy is the only option where you can make as much money as you choose, then learn by the masters how to keep it, protect it and grow it. You can start part-time and once you start to earn, you can then share the strategies you are now using with others so they too can grow their own wealth.
More and more people are looking for ways to create wealth online, however most don’t really know where to even start looking. Franchising looks easy to most that have the money to invest, but the chance you will become a successful franchisee is actually very slim. Put simply, will you really be your own boss and have total control over your future income if you buy into a franchise?