If you have a good credit score than you won’t have difficulty with the companies who offer business credit cards. You can actually be approved within minutes of your application. However if your credit history has some major bumps in it then it might be a challenge for you.
Unfortunately if you are just starting a business then the banks and companies will use your personal history to determine if you are able to obtain one. But don’t despair because there is still hope for you to obtain one.
Some shopping cards have their own credit system that will act just like a credit card. It is easier to get a approved by these types of cards so this is an option to consider. The biggest thing to remember is to pay the card off on time each and every time you use it. This will allow you to build some good credit over the course of a year.
Some credit card companies now have debt cards. These also allow you to build up some credit with the reputable company. However the draw back is that you can only spend the amount that still remains in your bank account. This way you can not overspend your limit.
If you absolutely need a card for specific business purchases than you should look in to getting a co-signer. This will use the co-signers personal history as a backing for your own. In the event you are unable to pay, the co-signer will have to come up with the money.
If you use your credit cards wisely you should have no problem in the future. Even if you have a small credit limit then you will be building credibility towards increasing those limits. As I mentioned before, pay off your bills on time and the credit card companies will be begging for you to use their cards more.