Generate Social Media Buzz for Your Startup Business


In today’s extremely competitive and fast-paced business landscape, forgoing social media marketing would be a mistake. As a new business owner, you might be thinking, “I have plenty of other more important things to do-no time for Facebook or Twitter!” But the thing is, you should find time for social media sites, which are today’s quickest way to get the word out about your company.

Everyone you meet along the way will learn more about your business through these online channels. No, it doesn’t mean that traditional media like broadcast, newspaper or direct mail are no longer useful. It just means that you now have a faster and more cost-effective way to get into marketing. No business owner in his right mind would want to pass up on that.

Here are five ways to create a whirl of attention through top social media sites.

Set your goals straight

Smart business owners usually use social media marketing for these three things: increasing brand awareness, building customer loyalty, and boosting sales and profit. If there’s anything else you’d like to achieve, be sure to include these in your objectives. This way, every social media decision you make will be towards the achievement of all these.

Pick the right sites

Contrary to popular belief, it’s not a good idea to be on every social network. That would only deplete your resources. Sure, social media is free but each network you manage requires money, time and energy. Prioritize only one or two networks that would provide the biggest opportunities for growth. And don’t just opt for the most popular ones. Facebook and Twitter, as experts would agree, are not for everyone. Some businesses thrive on Pinterest, LinkedIn or YouTube. It all depends on the type of business and goals that you have.

Build your network

To do this effectively, you need to find your audience. As with any marketing strategy, you must determine your target market. Once you’ve decided who your customers are, it would be easier for you to formulate strategies for building your network. Some strategies proven effective in expanding fans and followers include sharing compelling and helpful content, joining in topic conversations, and creating contests with enticing prizes.

For example, if you’re a startup travel agency, you can launch a competition that says something like, “Get a chance to win an all-expense paid trip to (insert travel destination here) by liking this page and sharing a story of your best vacation with your family.” The contest proper should be simple and relevant, and the incentive highly-rewarding for this strategy to work.

Keep social network contacts engaged

It’s not enough to have 100,000+ likes on your Facebook page. If you don’t keep your fans or followers engaged, your efforts will be futile. It’s a must to keep them interested and captivated. That way, you can translate your number of followers to actual sales and profit. Remember, it’s not about the quantity but the quality.

Reach out to your customers with personalized communication. Send personal messages that would cultivate relationships or post comments on their status updates to show that you care. Also, keep them engaged with great content that would show that you’re after helping them out and not only promoting your products and services.

Make your advocacy known

It’s good for your business to have one, a real one that is. People can easily detect when you’re not serious about your cause. Nowadays, people don’t buy from you because of what you offer but they buy from you because of why you do it. Does your business support environmentalism? Make sure your contacts get to know that. Show them what you do to help the environment. Do you intend to build a public library with every product you sell? Blog about it and post it on your social media site.

It’s essential for startup companies to generate attention as early as day one. Don’t wait for your products or services to get out there before you make a move. Remember, a solid social media marketing plan can go a long way in connecting you with people who’ll help your business reach success.