Importing Goods Into Australia – Should I Use Local Suppliers?


There are many benefits to be enjoyed if your business is importing goods into Australia. If you want to create a sustainable business model, however, there are other things to consider. Importing might not be the perfect solution for any ongoing problems your business is facing. Without analysing the benefits that importing goods into Australia has to offer, any obstacles you encounter might have disastrous consequences.

Research will be the key factor in deciding whether importing from overseas is viable. By doing your homework today, it is less likely that your business will come falling down around you tomorrow. The history of the business world is littered with budding entrepreneurs who have experimented with importing without researching their respective marketplace first. It is a sad statistic that many importing businesses rarely survive past their first year of trading.

Business plans will obviously be essential but there is one major question to consider that will help identify the viability of importing goods into Australia. Ignore it, and you could be risking your operational budget on fantasies and pipe dreams…

Can I Source a Local Supplier?

If you are already considering import goods into Australia, it is highly probable that you have a particular range of products in mind. If you are going to sell those products for the first time, it’s easy to make the mistake of thinking major Australian trading partners, such as China or Taiwan, will provide cheaper base products. This is not always the case and many importing businesses that fail in the early days fall into this common trap.

It can often be much cheaper, and much easier, to purchase stock from Australian suppliers. This produces benefits that have a knock-on effect at many levels. Your business will be able to operate more efficiently, the Australian economy benefits because money stays within the country, prices remain competitive and further jobs are created.

The benefits continue. Suppliers of raw materials and packaging, and those responsible for the manufacture and distribution of your products, will also collect a share of the benefits available. Importing goods into Australia can ultimately turn into a moral decision. There are certainly many arguments in favour of not letting the apples fall too far from the tree.

There are many ways to source products without importing goods into Australia, and the continued growth of the Internet has made the task much easier. Local and nationwide suppliers within Australia now advertise and trade online to make business-to-business relationships simpler than ever.