The Top 5 Qualities to Look For In Business Franchises


During the current economic downturn it can be tempting to start a franchise business and become your own boss. Although running a franchise can be very rewarding, there are factors which you should look out for when considering becoming a franchisee in order for your business to be a success.

A Stable Demand for the Product or Service

One of the most important things to find out about a franchise opportunity is whether there is an adequate stable demand for the product or service. You could provide the best product or service in the country, but if nobody wants to buy from you, there’s no business opportunity. Undertaking market research is paramount so make sure you speak to potential customers and also take economic factors into account. Take a close look at the franchise business itself and find out whether it is turning a steady profit or if some of the franchisees have closed the door on the business. If only one or two franchise owners have ‘sold up’ it could be down to poor operating skills or bad management, but if several of the franchises appear to be heading this way then you should approach this venture with caution.

A Company Owner that’s Actively Involved in the Business

In order for a franchise to be successful, the company owner should be regularly introducing new services and products. Franchising is an extremely competitive business and it’s therefore essential to inject fresh concepts in order to stay ahead of competitors. No matter how successful a business appears to be running, there is always room for improvement. At the same time though, franchisees have a right to be heard, and their input is paramount to the success of the business. Most franchisees have regular contact with clients and customers so are usually in a better position to gauge how the business is doing and whether there are any problems which need to be addressed. The best franchise opportunities will allow any grievances to be aired and will welcome any productive ideas which may aid the growth of the company as a whole.

Growth of your Franchise

Before making any investment, it’s important to investigate how long it would take for the business to turn a profit. You need to be realistic because in some cases, it can take up to 5 years to recoup your initial investment. You are highly unlikely to become an overnight millionaire just by running a business franchise. Businesses are like plants and need to be cared for and nurtured before they can flourish. Of course, if you have done adequate research, you should be able to spot a golden business opportunity and this will alleviate any fears that you may have about your profit margins.

The Cost of the Franchise

One of the most important factors to consider is the start-up cost of the franchise. You need to take into consideration how much the business will cost to run and whether you will need to hire any employees and calculate how much this will cost. Looking at the figures with an accountant can certainly help to put things into perspective, and can help you to decide whether the franchise will be a lucrative business for you, or whether you might struggle financially to make ends meet.

Investing Time

A franchise business which you can do as a second job is a good idea, especially if you currently work part-time and are looking to earn some extra money. However, a business which is going to take up all of your spare time may prove to be problematic, especially if you have children. Unlike a regular 9 to 5 job, a franchise business can be extremely demanding and stressful.

In order to even consider investing in the best franchise opportunities you should take the time to look at your own strengths and weaknesses before you proceed. A good franchisee needs certain qualities which include great leadership skills, reliability, hardworking, financially aware and sharp networking skills. If you feel that you tick all of these boxes then perhaps running a franchise business would be an interesting challenge and an enjoyable way to earn extra money.