Become an Entrepreneur – Positive Ways


If you have a start-up and raring to embark on an Entrepreneurial journey, with stars in your eyes and rosy picture, it’s time to tell you that your Entrepreneurial sojourn will be much more fulfilling and exciting if you could possibly indulge in a few ‘Giving up’ acts which, undoubtedly will impart a robust health to your Enterprise and make you happy. Some of the ‘Giving up’ you should focus on are:

1 ) Give up Wanting to be Always Right:

When you are at the helm, you will always feel that your judgments are bang on target and all others may not be that accurate as their as their stakes are much less as compared to you. Also your inherent need to be recognized as the ‘Boss’ may implore you to become the ‘I Am Always Right’ types. If you give importance to these judgements it will benefit your Business hugely. You will not only succeed in building up great relationships, it will also help you in reducing pain and stress. So give up on staying stuck in ‘I-Am-Only-Right’ slot and see your business going up swing.

2) Give up on Micro Management:

If you are a control freak, chances are that you may want to control each and every aspect of your Business. All this is fine, If your Business is very small and you don’t really aspire to break into the big league. But if ‘Growth’ is your mantra, you have to let go of a few things and delegate tasks to the right people. Without this your Business will not grow quickly and with be thwarted by frequent bottlenecks. Delegation will not only help you to harness the expertise of your people but will also leave you to focus on your key competencies and decision-making, which as a Boss only you can do.

3) Give up on Resistance to Change:

Many new Entrepreneurs dread change which they feel will affect their business. This may not necessarily be true. All change may not be bad. Entrepreneurship is all about having the courage to face uncertainty. So why should you be afraid if any change? Go out and embrace change, it may actually help your Business to grow and improve your life and make you happy

4) Give up on Negative Thoughts:

The one of the greatest deterrent to the success of your Business are your Negative thoughts. You cannot win by letting negativity cloud your thoughts. You must learn to balance your Yin and Yang. Play up on your strengths and try pushing out negative thoughts as soon as you feel weighed down by negativity. Remember, the state of mind is the most powerful factor in deciding which way your Business is heading. If you are positive and happy it will reflect on your Business.

5) Give up on Complacency:

Many Business, when they start travelling on the success route, are seen to end in bumpy rides when the person at the helm starts showing complacency. In a dynamic business environment, never make the mistake of resting on your laurels.

When you taste success, cherish it, but move on quickly to new challenges. Each new challenge should be treated with respect and you should focus all your resources and energy to overcome the challenge. Each challenge you overcome, will give you a sense of fulfilment and make you happy.

6) Give up on Getting Influenced Easily:

When your Business is new, there will be many people who may give you wanted/unwanted advises. You must possess the wisdom to choose the best and discard the rest. Many time when your Business is in a nascent stage, you are more easily influenced by others, all of which may not be actually beneficial. Using your ability for correct judgement will make you a happy Entrepreneur.

7) Give up on Excuses:

Your Business may not take off the way you want if you put it down with excuses.Chances are that these excuse will limit the growth of your Business. The first thing is that, one should work on to do away with excuses. Many time the excuses you make are 99% not even real!

8) Give up your Desire to impress others:

Many Entrepreneurs in their attempt on one- upmanship go out of their way to impress others, not realizing how fake it appears. Never try to become someone you are not. The moment you accept and embrace the real you, people will be drawn to you effortlessly. A real you will fetch you true happiness.

9) Give up on Your Dream to be Only Rich:

If to become rich very fast is the only goal of your Business, you have lost before you have started! Remember wealth is only a by-product of any business. Wealth earned by sheer hard work and dedication can give you happiness.

10) Give up on Too Much Socializing:

You may think that networking is the buzz word for any Business. It is but only to a limited extent. Your page 3 presence may fetch you many admirers, but it may take away your crucial decision-making time for your Business. Frequent late night parties only takes a toll on your health and stale, the next day.

11) Give up on Too Much Credit Card Usage:

To Become an Entrepreneur, you must never go overboard with your spending habits. Learn to judiciously use your Money and Credit Card. Debt is a silent stress and will eat up your mental health slowly. Be a spend thrift and happy.

12) Give up on your Bad Eating Habits:

Many Entrepreneurs sacrifice their health due to poor time management and bad eating habits. As an Entrepreneur your health should be your priority because poor health will not help you to make sound decision. You will be Cranky and irritable and a grumpy customer service is not what people want. Treat health as wealth so that you can enjoy be happy above all the wealth you have earned by hard work. Do away with unhealthy calorie rich food.