Social Media Helps Home Based Business Franchises


In today’s online world of business, the simple truth is that if you want your home based business franchise to be “found” by your target market, you need to engage and entertain them with the type of information “they” are looking for.  In the case of the internet companies, such as “Amazon, eBay, Google and Netflix”, these businesses released value in their markets by giving consumers access to products (in these cases books, auction products, general information or movies, respectively) that live in the long tail of the distribution curve of available products.  But, the world of online information is expanding dramatically and Web 2.0.

Strategic online marketing is in its infancy and the Window of Opportunity to lead the way and leave your mark on the Internet is NOW.  I think companies and small setups can make full use of social media to gain unlimited exposure to their own services/products or just SELF.  Innovative new companies based on such Web-based services, like Flickr, MySpace and YouTube, have proliferated, gathering millions of users, and hundreds of millions of dollars of value, in a matter of months.

Build a home based business franchise that enables users to exchange information and help self-support.  Build links with relevant social networks through interaction and posting tailored information.  Allow users to rate usefulness of answers and information provided to gather valuable feedback on customer service effectiveness.

There are various sources for this information, including searching Google for key words in your niche, and also searching terms like “social networking”.  This information is indexed by search engines.  My favorite source of information is from SitePoint and their forums.

Another aspect of my home based business franchise is teaching my clients about Internet Marketing and how to properly promote their own business or website.  It takes more than just uploading a website to the Internet to attract perspective patients to your site, especially if your are joining now, which is considered late in the game.  Smart Internet marketers understand and focus more on just SEO (search engine optimization) as the primary means of attracting visitors to your website.

Social Media Marketing is a form of internet marketing which seeks to achieve branding and marketing communication goals through the participation in various social media networks such as MySpace, Facebook, YouTube, social web applications (webapps) such as reddit, Digg, Stumbleupon, Flickr, Wikipedia, Squidoo, Twitter, ePinions and others as well as within 3D virtual worlds such as Second Life, ActiveWorlds, Moove and There.  The number of people who use the internet on a consistent basis continues to climb exponentially every year.  And that’s significant, because you know that this is the generation that grew up on the Internet.