So, you’ve decided its time you leave the nine to five Rat Race and become your own boss. We all need a little direction when we take the steps to become an entrepreneur online or otherwise. Really these tips of mine, are applicable across the board. Use them as you deem necessary.
Here are my six steps for you to have success as an entrepreneur; in your new journey of financial and time freedom.There are only as successful as the person applying them.
Step 1: Have an Entrepreneur Mindset
You must realize that you are the one that is writing your life story. So, you need to take the pen and begin. You cannot have an employee mindset. No one is going make your schedule or do the work for you. Read self improvement books and listen to audio CDs to give you advice on your first steps.
Step 2: Be Self-Motivated
Think of something (i.e. retirement, family vacation, new house) or someone (i.e. your spouse, children,friends) that will keep you focused and motivated to keep striving in your online business. Have a reason/a why, that you can remind yourself of when you feel like giving up.
Step 3: Research the Online Business
I strongly suggest that you do your homework and research the online business that you are considering. There are so many online opportunities in the virtual world. Ask yourself these questions: Is it a turnkey business with a system in place to follow? Is there training and support available? Do you have to be a computer expert?
Step 4: Have a Daily Schedule
You need to decide the night before or first thing in the morning, what income generating activities you are going to do for that day. If you don’t do this, you can easily spend a whole lot of time planning your day and shuffling paper; which leads to little productivity.
Be focused. Have a list and check things off as you complete them. Stay on task.
Step 5: Set Goals and Expectations
Doing this can either keep you motivated or make you discouraged. There is a right way and a wrong way to do this. The right way, is to set your goals high enough that it will challenge you, but also be realistic. Don’t set a goal to make $10,000 at the end of your first week, if you haven’t learned the online business system.
Write your goals out on a index card and read them daily. Out loud is best because you hear yourself and they will become more real to you.
Step 6: Positive Affirmations and Visualization
It is important to be your own cheerleader and encourage yourself. Write out a few positive affirmations (i.e. I am confident, the world is conspiring to make me a success etc) on index cards. Say them out loud daily when you wake and before you go to bed. Also, visualize your goals as complete. It may sound crazy, but close your eyes before you go to bed and try it. If one of your goals is to go on a vacation to Hawaii, picture yourself flying there on the plane, the sun on your face, the lush green grass and the sound of the ocean. See, you were half way there already:)
A successful entrepreneur online or otherwise, would possess a no-matter-what kind of attitude. They would fight the urge to give up and get out! They are committed to their success and living the life that they’ve dreamed of. As well, they would be contributing to the lives of others for the greater good and spurring them on to create a successful and passionate life.
Don’t be an entrepreneur that will do the work half-heartily. It is not a hobby. You will not get the results you want, without being 100% driven to succeed.
The most important attributes that a successful entrepreneur possesses are: a positive attitude, adaptability, commitment, focus and perseverance.
I guarantee that you will have moments of extreme frustration and you will want to throw in the towel. BUT you must remember your WHY, create momentum and don’t back down. Failure is not an option.